Cooking Quick LinksTemperature
What is Sous Vide and How does it Work?
Sous Vide cooking is one of the most popular ways to cook and is also one of the most accurate ways to cook a piece of meat perfectly every time. It is a method of cooking in a water bath typically at a temperature of around 158°F, which is the…
2420The Method of Sous Vide and Sous Vide Machines
Sous Vide is a method of cooking in a vacuum sealed bag or container where the food is cooked at a low temperature and doesn’t come into direct contact with water. The food is maintained at its precise cooking temperature for a long period of…
2323When to Sauté and What Food to Sauté
In cooking, sautéing is one of the most common methods of cooking food. It involves pan frying or shallow-frying in a small amount of fat or oil. It is often used as a way to cook vegetables, fish, or meat without sautéing in a skillet.…
1174Stewing and What Meat Cuts to Use
Stewing is a form of slow-cooking. It involves placing your meat in a pot, water, or other container, and allowing the juices to slowly seep into the meat. This process concentrates the meat’s flavor and makes it tender. Aside from the obvious…