30 Countries with Exquisite Street Food Delights
Embark on a mouthwatering journey as we take you on a global gastronomic parade, exploring 30 countries known for their exquisite street food delights. From the bustling markets of Bangkok to the vibrant food stalls of Mexico City, get ready to…
1193What is Sous Vide and How does it Work?
Sous Vide cooking is one of the most popular ways to cook and is also one of the most accurate ways to cook a piece of meat perfectly every time. It is a method of cooking in a water bath typically at a temperature of around 158°F, which is the…
2420The Method of Sous Vide and Sous Vide Machines
Sous Vide is a method of cooking in a vacuum sealed bag or container where the food is cooked at a low temperature and doesn’t come into direct contact with water. The food is maintained at its precise cooking temperature for a long period of…
2323How to choose what Food to Barbeque
If you have a backyard, you probably have at least a few barbecues lit up every weekend to ward off the summertime blues. There’s nothing quite like sitting around a campfire or a grill to get the family together, and once you get the hang of…
2758Stewing and What Meat Cuts to Use
Stewing is a form of slow-cooking. It involves placing your meat in a pot, water, or other container, and allowing the juices to slowly seep into the meat. This process concentrates the meat’s flavor and makes it tender. Aside from the obvious…
1536When and When Not to Boil Food
Everyone knows that boiling food is a great way to kill harmful germs and make your meals safer. But do you know when is the best time to boil your food? And when should we not do it? This might come as a surprise, but there is actually a lot…
1454Where Does the Sandwich Come From and Why is it Named So?
The sandwich has been with us for centuries, and it’s one of the simplest, most convenient, and easily the most popular fast food item today. Even though it seems like everyone and their dog has known about it for ages, the origins of the…
1369The History and Evolution of French Cuisine
French cuisine has developed through many centuries and through many changes. Its history is varied and complex. Its evolution is also significant. French cuisine has been influenced by the geography of the country, by the customs of its people,…
1294The Many Uses of the Handy Food Processor
If you have ever spent time in the kitchen, then you know how difficult it can be to get all the ingredients ready at the same time. You need to get everything chopped, sliced, diced and prepared at the same time. And you can never be sure when…
2619The Basic Sauces Used in French Cuisine
French cuisine is known for its amazing sauces. It is said that French chefs have developed more than 4,000 different sauces throughout history. The French have enjoyed their sauces as much as the rest of the world has. Aside from being…
1165What Sauces are used in Italian Cooking?
An Italian dinner is incomplete without an array of sauces and flavors. Italian food is all about using fresh, high quality ingredients and using them in the best possible way. An Italian dinner is incomplete without an array of sauces and…
1104Is the Hamburger Really an American Food?
The hamburger is credited to Henry David Thoreau, who wrote in his journal in 1846 about the hamburger steak being served at a hotel in Massachusetts: “The hamburger steak was a new discovery at this hotel, and so they served it to us boiled…