The Sauces Common in South American Cuisine
South American cuisine is a fusion of European and African cuisines introduced by the European colonizers. It is characterized by the use of several types of sauces. Soy sauce and aji-verde sauces are especially popular in the country. These…
1777What are the Best Foods to Steam Cook?
When it comes to eating well, there’s no substitute for good cooking. The process of steaming food not only tastes better than cooking with oil or water, but it also makes all the difference in how your finished meal turns out. Steaming is…
1825The Story Behind the Creation of Beef Wellington
Beef Wellington is a traditional French dish that takes a little bit of work and precision, but the end result is so worth it. The dish is one of those fancy French foods that most people haven’t heard of or don’t even know exists. While…
2245Italian Cheese and its uses in Cooking
Pasta is one of the world's most popular dishes, and for good reason. It's incredibly easy to make, and as a result, it can be paired with just about anything. Really, anything. Chicken, beef, seafood, vegetables, and even sweets can all be…
1132Italian Cuisine and the Best Tomato Sauce
Tomato sauce is one of the easiest, most delicious ways to make use of summer’s harvest of tomatoes. The classic red sauce, made with tomatoes, onion, garlic, and oregano, is so versatile that it can be used in so many other dishes. The…
1122Is the Hamburger Really an American Food?
The hamburger is credited to Henry David Thoreau, who wrote in his journal in 1846 about the hamburger steak being served at a hotel in Massachusetts: “The hamburger steak was a new discovery at this hotel, and so they served it to us boiled…
1826Which Red Wine Grapes Are Best With Beef?
Beef is one of the most popular types of red meat. It is a very lean source of protein and the iron content in it is also high. It makes for a hearty and filling meal. When done well, it can also be a very tasty one. The catch here though is…
1893Why Wine is Used to Make Stews
Stews are one of the easiest ways to cook flavorful and healthy meals. They’re also a great way to stretch the meat you have on hand. When you add wine to stews, you are basically cooking the wine and letting the stews absorb the flavor. Red…